Thursday, March 26, 2009


Jack & Jill like all parents are very concern about their child well being. Bill their son just got out of High School seem to be interested in nothing. Parents advise to Bill seems to fall in deaf ears.

So one sunny day after church. They went out to visit a good friend (Tom) who help them before to hear what he have to say for their son Bill.

At Toms house, Jack & Jill start talking about their son Bill. 
Wife: Our son Bill is driving us crazy. 
Tom: In what way?
Wife: Well! Bill as you know is out of school and he just seems to just waste his time doing nothing. He comes home late, and don't seem to be interested in nothing.  When we recomend somehting that may interest him, he just seem to not even hear us. 
Wife: Tom what shall we do?

Tom after some contemplation. OK! Jack, Jill: Tonight before Bill comes home. This is what I want for you to do. On a table were Bill can see them. I want for you to lay out three things. 
1st. $100 bill.
2nd. A bottle of whiskey. 
3rd. A Bible. 
Hide somewhere come back and tell me what Bill pick up. 
Couple: OK Tom and thank you.

The next day after seeing there son pick the items. They hurry back to Toms house to tell him what they saw. 
Couple: Tom we did what you told us. When Bill came home, he saw the $100 bill and put it in his pocket. Then he saw the whiskey opened it and took a drink out of it. He then saw the Bible, opened it and read some verses from the Bible before putting it down on the table. 
Couple: Tom what does this mean?

Tom said: "Well, its' worst than I though. I know if he were to pick the $100 and put it in his pocket he'll be a gambler. If he drunk of the whiskey bottle, he'll be a drunk. And if he pick up the Bible and read some verse out of it. I know he'll be a preacher. But picking up all THREE. Its' worst than I though."

Couple are beside themselves and beg Tom to tell them. 
Tom: I hate to tell you this, but Your son will be a POLITICIAN.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This bailout reminds me of a story I heard once. This father has two sons. The two sons are comming of age and the father know its' time for them to go out on their own to discover the world they leave in.

So before they set out. The father who's been saving up for this moment gave them each $100 to get started with no strings attached. $100 at that time is worth about $10,000 in todays' market.

The two sons were so eager to finally get out the old mans' house. With pocket full of money and youth on there side. One went East and the other went West.

The son that went East decided he want to start a small business. Will name him Eson. The son that went West decided to party and want to paint the town red. Will name him Wson.

Over 5yrs. has passed. Eson with his business did so well, even got married and went back home to his father to introduce his wife. Gave him the $100 back pluse interest.

Wson also went back home. Told his father that the money he gave him was not enough to get his life started and he is broke and want more money.

The Father felt troubled and sorry by his Wson story. that he gave him his blessing and more money.

This is the point I'm bringing out with the bailout. Why are we rewarding poor performance.

My take on the bailout and I know there is no easy ans.